Banker's Order Form



To the Manager of………………...……..……(Bank/Building Soc)


Bank’s Address ………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………………Post code ………………….

Account name to be debited: ………………………………………….

Account Number: ……………………………Sort Code: ….-….-….


“Please pay

‘Barclays Bank’, Account Name: ‘All Saints Church

Sort Code: 20-84-58 Account No:  33759636

Please use the following as a reference: ‘Nave Roof’, Reordering’ or ‘Both’ delete as appropriate.


The sum of £…………. Commencing on …….. / …….. / 20…….

Every Month â–¡ Quarter â–¡ Year â–¡ until …….. / …….. / 20…….

or until further notice.



Please send a copy of the completed Bankers Order Form to your bank of building society.

We kindly ask that you inform Tina Wheeler of your donation either by mail to:

Tina Wheeler, 49 Chestnut Springs, Lydiard Millicent, SN5 3NB. 

Or email to

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